A decrement Operator, inside the Context of C#, is a Unary Operator. It returns a price of identical type, with predefined cost equal to the Operand cost minus one. The decrement operator is denoted with the aid of the image ‘—’.
A decrement operator supports each prefix and postfix notations. In case of prefix notation (denoted by –x, in which x is a Variable), the fee of a variable is used within the Expression after decrementing its original value. While the usage of postfix notation (x–), the cost of a variable before the decrement operation will be considered inside the expression. A decrement operator can be used to trade the pointer place with the aid of subtracting a cost identical to the scale (or pointer-type) from the deal with contained in the pointer variable.
A decrement operator is normally used in Loop new release Statements or in any context wherein there is a need to decrement with the aid of one uNit. Features of decrement operator encompass:
Note that, at the same time as the use of a decrement operator, the operand have to be an expression representing a variable, assets get admission to, or Indexes. Additionally, If the decrement operator is used with prefix notation for operand, the belongings or Indexer have to have a get and set Accessor to avoid compilation mistakes. Furthermore, if a decrement operator is used for a pointer, the pointer may be of any type except void*.
A decrement operator should be used to set a variable and now not to a price. Usage of a decrement operator extra than as soon as in a single expression can purpose unpredicTable outcomes commonly due to optimization applied by means of the Compiler. Hence, it's miles cautioned to apply a decrement operator after knowledge the order of evaLuation, whilst using both postfix and prefix notation at the side of its precedence in the set of C# Operators. Postfix and prefix notations of a decrement operator cannot have separate operator implementation.
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