Last updated 12 month ago


What is an Indexer in C#?

Definition and meaning of Indexer

An Indexer, inside the Context of C#, is a category member used to provide Array-like Indexing competencies for smooth Object assets get right of entry to. An indexer is commonly used while an array is encapsulated inside a type.

An indexer’s easy Syntax facilitates customer Packages get right of entry to element companies as an array item member (kind, magNiFicence, or struct). An indexer provides an oblique Method of putting boundary checking good judgment. Due to its intuitive nature, an indexer improves Code readability.

An indexer is regularly used to implement a Stack so that its contents can be Accessed with out object elimination. Java indexer Implementation is much like C#. Generally, indexers may be utilized in library code, due to their ease of use and flexibility.

What Does Indexer Mean?

Although indexers are similar to homes, they use one-of-a-kind Parameters. Properties are diagnosed by means of name, even as indexers are denoted by means of signature and the usage of the Keyword “this”. Properties may be accessed via individuals, but indexers are accessed through elements. Unlike homes, a C# Compiler does now not permit Static indexer usage.

An indexer is convenient due to the fact its Class and struct times are listed like arrays and use the Bracket notation to get admission to an detail. Indexers are known as clever arrays. Accessors are the get and set indexer Components that allow price fetching and putting, respectively. Based on the member type required for lookup, an indexer is said with the perfect signature. The key-word “this” is used to outLine Indexers and “Value” is used to assign the set accessor.

An indexer’s type and parameters must be as on hand as the indexer itself. The wide Variety and Forms of formal arguments are regarded by means of an indexer’s signature, but not kind or argument names. The go back kind have to be a legitimate C# type. An indexer need to have at least one parameter.

Class indexers can be overloaded and have unique signatures. As indexers are not considered Variables, they cannot be used as “ref” or “out” parameters. The cross language uses the default name Item, while not distinctive in the assertion. Accessors implemented with indexers could be overloaded with multiple types. Indexers allow passing more than one formal parameter, including in getting access to a two-dimensional array. Abstract indexers are carried out by way of simply affirming the get/set accessors inside the base elegance and adding the derived magnificence code.

Although indexers are also used in Interfaces, magnificence Declarations fluctuate. Interface indexer accessors do now not use modifiers and do no longer have a Frame. Indexers are also utilized in interfaces to suggest whether they're examine-handiest, write-simplest, or study-write. Per layout guidelines, implementing the best mistakes handling approach is vital when the use of the get and set accessors, similarly to providing the required error Exception documentation for the indexers. Restricting the accessor to the required degree is suggested to avoid malicious set values.

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