Last updated 12 month ago

Broadcast Address

What is a Broadcast Address?

Definition and meaning of Broadcast Address

A broadCast address is a special Internet Protocol (IP) address used to transmit messages and statistics Packets to Network sySTEMs. Network directors (NA) affirm a hit facts packet transmission through broadcast addresses.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) Clients use broadcast IP addresses to Discover and transmit respective Server requests.

What Does Broadcast Address Mean?

When IP instructions were designed, positive IP addresses have been reserved for unique responsibilities. Broadcast addressing became designed to facilitate message Broadcasting for all network gadgets.

The following is a broadcast addressing Analogy:

A trainer is getting ready to announce the winner of a pupil competition and can use both of the subsequent techniques: (1) The trainer may want to stop through every student’s Table and discreetly reveal the winner’s call, or (2) The teacher may want to announce the winner’s name to the elegance after which ask the winner to face for reputation. The 2d choice, that is Greater green, is broadcast addressing in the actual world.

In Computing, a printed addressing Instance is Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), which does not guide IPv4’s zero network broadcast address ( As a Workaround, IPv6 sends a Multicast message to every Host group member.

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