Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a pass-Platform Web Software Framework written in Ruby. The Framework turned into at the start authored with the aid of David Heinemeier Hansson and researched and further evolved by a rail middle crew of several person individuals. RoR permits a Programmer to broaden Web programs a Great deal faster through minimizing the steps, time and verbiage worried in Programming.
RoR is in reality referred to as Rails. The preliminary launch of RoR was in July 2004. RoR is sent beneath the MIT License.
Ruby on Rails (RoR) follows the version-View-Controller (MVC) technique in which the utility common sense isseparated from the consumer Interface. RoR implements a famous technique referred to as unobtrusive JavaScript to isolate the utility Functionality from the User Interface. Just like every other Modern-day framework, RoR implements a “conference over Configuration” Method which seeks to lessen the wide Variety of decisions that programmers need to Make. RoR includes several programs which include:
Although RoR become iNitially written to run on the Mongrel Web Server, it now helps most webServers and also supports Database Servers which includes MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server and Db2.
When we refer to RoR as an acronym of Ruby On Rails, we mean that RoR is formed by taking the initial letters of each significant word in Ruby On Rails. This process condenses the original phrase into a shorter, more manageable form while retaining its essential meaning. According to this definition, RoR stands for Ruby On Rails.
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