ParaMetric Polymorphism is A Programming Language approach that permits the standard defiNition of Functions and brands, with out a amazing deal of difficulty for type-based totally mistakes. It permits language to be Greater expressive while writing common Code that applies to diverse kinds of inFormation. Functions written in Context with parametric polyMorphism paintings on diverse information sorts.
Parametric polymorphism is the core principle behind widely wide-spread Programming Languages and sySTEMs. It enables the creation of commonplace features and facts types that operate on values, irrespective of Records type.
For example, if a Programming Characteristic operates on two distinctive values, the values may be connected, even though they do now not have the identical Data Types. An Instance is becoming a member of a list of Integers with a Floating point value.
Ada, Haskell, Visual Prolog, Scala, Java and C# are programming languages that support parametric polymorphism.
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