Last updated 12 month ago

License Key

What is a License Key?

Definition and meaning of License Key

A License key is a Data String that verifies authorized Software product get right of entry to. This kind of Software Program protection facilitates save you Software Piracy and gives Businesses the ability to defend their software from unauthorized copying or sharing by using unlicensed customers.

What Does License Key Mean?

A license key offers an authorized consumer/consumer a statistics string that, upon set up, unLocks a software program product and Makes it to be had for use. Without the key, the software can't be used. This prEvents customers from loading copies of the software program to distinct gadgets. Even in this period, in which virtual rights control (DRM) gear restrict Piracy of audio and video Files, protective software program from piracy is tough.

The license key remains a popular protection tool for on-the-shelf software. However, the eMergence of Cloud Computing sySTEMs presents extra alternatives to software program companies, in phrases of the way they promote products and efficaciously restriction piracy.

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